Discover cost savings for creative teams with the LucidLink Savings calculator
April 2024
4 mins
Collaborating on complex projects can be difficult for remote and hybrid teams, especially creative teams using traditional file-sharing software. Sharing and syncing large files, such as high-resolution videos and graphics, can be slow and time-consuming, leading to delays that hinder productivity and efficiency. These workflow issues can negatively impact a company’s overall success and profitability, especially in today’s challenging economy, where companies are under pressure to maximize creative output and improve their return on investment (ROI).
In many cases, teams are so focused on their current workflows that they are unaware of more efficient and cost-effective solutions that could enhance their performance.
The productivity costs of traditional file-sharing methods
We often identify two main challenges when speaking with customers who use traditional file-sharing software. The first is they lack a centralized repository for files and production assets. We see companies struggling to find a manageable way to ensure everyone works on the most up-to-date version of project files. They find something as simple as making sure a collaborator is opening the correct version of a file to be a huge unnecessary stressor.
Additionally, they’re stressed that projects exist on numerous local computers or external hard drives—creating additional security risks. Further, without a central location for all files and assets, it’s common for team members to inadvertently overwrite or lose essential assets they need for a project.
The second common problem we encounter is the time customers spend downloading media, which can add significant time and cost to a project. This can be frustrating for team members working to meet deadlines and ultimately adds unnecessary budget costs.
The LucidLink savings calculator
In many cases, teams are so busy that they do not have the time to evaluate their workflows to see if they can work more efficiently. However, workflow inefficiencies can be risky for businesses trying to stay competitive in an economy driven by high consumer demands for content. To remain sustainable, businesses must stay competitive and be agile enough to meet the changing demands of today’s market. Low productivity can negatively impact a business’s profitability, potentially leading to layoffs or other operational issues.
The idea for the LucidLink savings calculator came from this understanding. We know that LucidLink filespaces is the ideal solution for remote teams working on large-scale projects that require sharing significantly large files. With filespaces, teams can easily access, edit, and save project files in real-time, ensuring that everyone is working with the most up-to-date version. This eliminates the need for time-consuming file downloads or syncs, improving productivity and collaboration. Additionally, Filespaces offers increased security and reliability for file and data storage.
When creating the savings calculator, we began by researching the processes and operations of creative teams. In my experience, creative teams often start with a small, co-located group and then expand to include additional members located remotely. At this point, managing files and assets can become more challenging.
In addition to being physically separated, teams are faced with the pressures of producing high-quality output quickly, which can strain productivity and create costly workflow challenges. With the calculator, we evaluated how people have traditionally dealt with these challenges, such as shipping hard drives or using file transfer services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or To address these problems, we designed the cost savings calculator to help teams understand how using a tool like LucidLink Filespaces can improve their workflows and save money.
Getting the most out of the savings calculator
The savings calculator provides a high-level view of the costs business leaders should consider when budgeting for efficient storage and collaboration technology. When developing the tool, we considered factors like the number of team members, their average wage, the amount of data managed per person, and the time spent on tasks like searching and organizing files, relinking media, and resolving version conflicts.
Sharing projects and collaborating with offices around the globe is much easier now. There is a central point of storage that does not require a complete download of data to operate. As a media production company, working with 10’s of TBs of data is not uncommon, and having access to that globally is a game changer.
By considering these factors, the calculator can help executives understand how a tool like LucidLink filespaces can help them save money by reducing time and resources spent on mundane tasks—allowing teams to focus on creative work and producing high-quality output. If you want to see for yourself how much your team could save by reducing inefficiencies in the cloud using LucidLink filespaces, try out our savings calculator.
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